Half way through the program and haven't had time to write because I have been having too much fun! For starters, not to make all the northerners jealous but it has been pretty toasty these past few weeks. Having temperatures in the mid to high 80's and I have gotten the occasional sunburn here and there :) And just like the weather the riding has been great! I had a lesson with Louise Nathhorst last week and she is pretty remarkable. The lesson was really great, Kahlua was on top of his game. We did most all the movements from the Grand Prix test. When we were schooling the canter pirouettes on the centerline, a great piece of advice that really helped for my horse and me, was for me to turn my inside shoulder to his inside hip. Set the canter up in a way where I can collect a stride on the spot and turn the pirouette and let him do his job. And the turning of my own shoulder really helped me get out of his way so he could step under himself and turn. We also worked on our
Another couple days in the sun for the books, I am working hard at my farmers tan (sorry northern friends). I have been able to keep teaching the WIT girls and they are working hard at improving their seats. Really impressed with this group and I have enjoyed helping them study for their quizzes that they have every Friday. Its fun for me to teach anatomy, or talk about the skeleton of the horse and things of that matter. I have been making them Quizlets to help them further study and use that as a tool to help them. I have really enjoyed that, and my position here at the barn. Another activity I enjoy is watching my horse improve and get stronger! He has been doing amazing under the wings of Lendon and Oded. Sometimes I have to look down and wonder if I am riding Totilas or Kahlua ;). The piaffe is underway and he is actually taking steps that are not stepping on himself! So excited about all this, and perfecting my way of riding along the way. The other day we were working